about Lumajang Regency

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Lumajang Regency is one of the regency in East Java province.  It shares its borders with Jember Regency (to the east), Probolinggo Regency (to the north), and Malang Regency (to the west). It borders the Indian Ocean to the south (wikipedia). Lumajang located in the area of ​​horse hooves, East Java (wikipedia). Lumajang Regency is currently headed by a regent named Drs. H. As'at Malik, M.Ag, which previously he was the deputy regent. Lumajang Regency known as the "Banana City". Why? Lumajang district is famous for his great banana (Pisang Agung). Lumajang Regency itself also has a distinctive style batik, the pattern of bananas. Besides, Lumajang consists of fertile plains flanked by three volcanoes, namely: Mount Semeru (3,676 m), Mount Bromo (2,329 m), Mount Lemongan  (1,651 m) (wikipedia).
Mount Semeru ocated in this regency famous for the highest peak on the Java Island, namely Mahameru Peak. The tourist spot located in this regency is the Bamabang Beach, Watu Godeg, Watu Kecak, Piket Nol (a track which is the eastern slopes of the Mount Semeru that connects the southern part Lumajang with South Malang). The typical art Lumajang Regency is Tari Jaran Kencak, which became a cultural icon Lumajang Regency. Besides there are other dances, such as Tari Topeng Kaliwungu and Tari Glipang Lumajang (artikel Bandem).



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